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Welcome from the Chair

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the members of the Governing Body of The Hawthorns Primary School.

Being a School Governor is an entirely voluntary role, and all members of the Governing Body give their time freely, not only at the meetings detailed in these pages, but on many other occasions throughout the school year.

If you would like more information about the roles and duties of School Governors, there is information available on the GOV.UK website HERE

Our Clerk to the Governors and I can also be contacted at:

About The Hawthorns Primary School Governing Body

 The key roles of School Governors are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Our Governing Body is made up of 14 members: two elected Parent Governors, one elected Staff Governor, the Headteacher, one Governor appointed by Wokingham Borough Council and nine Co-Opted Governors drawn from parents, staff, and from the wider community. We also have three associate members and a Clerk. Governors normally serve a four-year term. We hold Full Governing Body meetings twice a term and Governors also have individual responsibilities, from curriculum subjects to safeguarding.

The Governors of The Hawthorns School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. The Governors have collected data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. That data is used to inform our recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small Governing Body, we do not publish this diversity data online as individual Governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

In accordance with our Governor Code of Conduct, and our statutory responsibilities, the pages in this section detail information about our Governors, their individual responsibilities, attendance at meetings, and any business or pecuniary interests.

Judith Shepherd                                                                         

Chair of Governors